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4 ways of shifting our mindset towards conflict at work

Lisa Gill


How we think about conflict at work needs to change.

Conflict is not something we can avoid, it’s an inevitable part of collaborating with other human beings. It costs energy to tip toe around conflicts. What’s more, on the other side of conflicts is learning, deeper levels of trust, and freed up potential.

So, let’s dive into 4 ways to shift our mindsets towards conflict at work.

#1: From consumers to producers.

We often think we can’t do anything about the working climate in a team.

But team members who seem themselves as producers rather than consumers are proactive when something isn’t working and take the initiative to bring it up and shift it.

#2: From conflict resolution to transformation.

‘Conflict resolution’ suggests conflicts are bad and must be disposed of.

Dr Michelle Buck prefers the term ‘conflict transformation’ because they bring the ‘opportunity to create something new’.

#3: From solving to listening.

When a conflict erupts in a team, most leaders think: ‘Quick, how can we solve this?!’

If instead we practice truly listening and sorting through the sources of the conflict without judgment, ways forward will emerge. Listen for what’s needed instead of adding solutions.

#4: From comfort to courage.

Psychological safety does not mean comfortable.

It takes courage to talk about things that are difficult to talk about. And no matter how long we practice it, it will never feel comfortable. But if we are committed to our purpose, we can choose to do it anyway.

May you feel emboldened to embrace your conflicts for the gifts that they are.

Good luck!

This post was created with Typeshare



Lisa Gill

Founder of Reimaginaire, trainer and coach with Tuff Leadership Training, host of Leadermorphosis podcast.